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My favorite find for February 2014 is the Flint Lock, discovered by Joseph M, from Kelso, WA.

Joseph M. is nine years old, but hunts like a pro along with his dad with their Ace 250. In his own words, Joseph tell us all about it. "Wow. What a new year! My dad and I left early on January 2, 2014 for a place on the Columbia River in Washington. My dad has an Ace 250. I don’t have a detector so I borrowed the neighbors who doesn’t use his (some other brand). I got tired of using it because it was too heavy, so I switched to dad's Ace."

Joseph shares the exciting moment of discovery. "After two hours into the hunt the tide had gone way out. We had just switched to the all-metal setting when I picked up what I thought was a piece of glass stuck in some metal. When I showed it to my dad he went crazy! As soon as he said flint lock I knew what it was and started shaking…a lot! I knew right away this could have been part of Lewis and Clark's gun since history says they went through here."

Fantastic job Joseph! You've discovered American history right at your footsteps. Keep up the good work with your new Garrett AT Gold!

Joseph WINS a Garrett AT Gold!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett AT Gold! You could be the next winner!