I have two favorite finds for November 2013. These are similar “good deed” stories with beautiful finds. Both of these treasure hunters acted honorably and deserve to win.


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My first favorite find goes to Morgan R. from Crandall, Georgia using his AT Gold.

In Morgan’s words, “I went detecting this morning at a local swimming hole and within 20 minutes I found a silver Mother’s Day ring that had her two son’s names on it. I continued on hunting and found the normal clad and lead sinkers, but my gut told me to go back and search the area where I had found the ring. Wouldn’t you know it I got another sweet sounding signal and upon retrieval it was a ladies class ring with a name engraved in it. Both rings were found around 6 inches deep. I decided after this to head home and do some research to find the owner of the class ring, but had no luck at all. I posted it on a local trader’s Facebook page and someone knew her on there, and come to find out she has two sons with the same names as the ones on the mother’s day ring. So both rings belong to the same lady! She was tickled to get them back and it was an awesome feeling to give them back to her.”

Morgan R. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
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My second favorite find goes to Daniel B. from Vero Beach, Florida using his AT Pro.

Daniel tells us, “I had just received my brand new AT Pro when I was approached by some customers at the restaurant where I work. They said, with wide eyes, “Our server said that you have a metal detector!” It was late at night and they stated that she had lost her diamond wedding rings at the beach that day. They had called the police and spent much of the day searching the sand. I asked her if she knew about where they were lost and she said, “Yes, in the sand close to the water line.” This concerned me, and I told them there was a full moon, and that the high tide that night would likely wash them away. So with much excitement I arrange to meet them at midnight, and went to get my new Garrett, and my backup Ace 350. She pointed to the area, and amazingly within seconds I had found one of the largest diamond rings I had ever seen! She was nearly in tears when I asked her to step back so that I could find her matching band. Another loud signal blasted, and I laughed and let her sift it out of the sand! They were completely dumbfounded, and I was as proud as I could be! I became a bit of a hero at the restaurant, and have been able to share the story many times. Truly a wonderful experience. Thanks Garrett!”

Daniel B. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!